What is it?
Portable Appliance Testing (PAT Testing as it’s commonly known as) is an examination on appliances and equipment to check that they are safe to use. This is done both by a visual check and the use of electronically Testing equipment. It is important to do both kinds of checks as some defects will not be found by the testing alone, for example bare wires on a plug.
Why do you need to do it?
There isn’t a law stating that you legally have to complete any PAT Testing on your equipment and appliances. However, the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 require that all equipment or appliances used are maintained in a safe condition. By having them recorded on a PAT Testing register and equipment labelled it makes the management of monitoring easier to maintain along with proof that some regime exists.
Why use B-Safe?
B-Safe have certified competent members of the team that have 10 years plus experience in PAT Testing in different environments with regular visits to Academies/schools in particular. Our quotes are extremely competitive inclusive of testing of complete Computer Equipment without charging the IEC power cables separately, therefore charging for the Monitor and Processor box only but Testing them all together thus reducing the charges overall that other companies currently charge individually for. Any minor repairs to plugs or changing of fuses are also part of the visual checks and are free of charge. Microwave Leakage Tests are also performed for your peace of mind.
If you like the sound of this and would like a no obligation quote or would like advice please call us on 01476 512393.